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基金会 Graduation

关于 the 基金会

VHCC Educational 基金会

The purpose of the VHCC Educational 基金会 is to support the growth, progress and success of the college.  Serving as a bridge between VHCC and the community, we make sure the college has the resources it needs to thrive.  We have helped thousands of students fund their dreams and will continue to do so with your support.

The 基金会 provides resources so that a quality education and skills training will be available to all, transforming the lives of our students, their families and our community.

Location: LRC 125
Phone: (276)739-2449



The VHCC Educational 基金会 Board is comprised of dedicated individuals from the VHCC region who believe and are willing advocates for the College and its students. Responsibilities of the Board include strategic planning, advocacy and fundraising. Funds raised by the 基金会 provide much-needed support for scholarships, faculty development and academic program resources.

什么 我们所做的

The VHCC Educational 基金会 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, charitable corporation that secures voluntary support and manages, invests and expends collected funds for the sole benefit of Virginia Highlands Community College.   We invest and distribute scholarship funds, purchase needed equipment and furnishings and provide financial support for academic and community enrichment programs.  We hold special fundraising events throughout the year to raise money for specific needs of the college.


An investment in the VHCC Educational 基金会 Inc. is an investment in the community. There are many ways to give and each is important to the growth and development of the College and our students.

Whether you are an individual, 一个公司, 一个基础, or a VHCC employee, the VHCC 基金会 can help you help our students and faculty through a generous donation while accruing benefits yourself.

特殊的 事件

The VHCC Educational 基金会 hosts special events throughout the year, to raise funds for specific program needs of the college and to strengthen our relationship with the community.  

Our most popular events are the annual VHCC Golf Tournament , and VHCC Night with the Bristol State Liners. For more information on these and other 基金会 events, please contact the 基金会 Office at (276) 739-2532.

 Anyone interested in volunteering or sponsoring any VHCC events, please contact 

We can issue a certificate of participation for those seeking community service hours.

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